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Sweet Pumpkin pie with philo pastry | Kolokithopita

Prep Time:


Cook Time:





5 small to medium sized pumpkins

3g cinammon powder

50g light or fruit based sugar

50g honey

2g vanilla paste or essence

1g salt

x12 phillo pastry

olive oil and water for sprinklin and brushing


  1. Trim of the top and bottoms of the pumpkins, cut them in half and grab a spoon and scoop the seeds. ( you can dehydrate or dry and use the seeds if you want).

  2. wrap them in tin foil individually and place them in the oven 190c fan for 30-40 minutes till very soft.

  3. Remove the pumpkins from the tinfoil and place them in a mixing bowl. Crush them a bit and mix with the rest of the materials all together. Let aside to cool down until we prepare the rest.

  4. Mix some water and olive oil in a little cup and place a brush in there. Leave it aside while we will need it soon.

  5. Open your philo pastry and place one on a board/bench or tray.

  6. take the brush and sprinkle without touching the pastry qutie well across the sheet.

  7. Repeat the same step untill you have 5 of them stacked up on each other.

  8. Place some of the mix (as much as you want but not too much so we can fold it) and roll it, place in a baking tray and twist.

  9. Repeat the process untill you finish the mix (snail looking shape)

  10. bake at 190c fan for another 30 minutes aprox or untill a nice crisp golden brown color has formed. Cool down and enjoy!

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